You may think that you have not contributed much, but I find you honest, realistic and quite humorous. Some of your posts have made me laugh out loud. You will be missed and enjoy our new life away from the cult.
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
Well I gotta go......
by punkofnice in...i might drop in every now and then but i hope you all enjoy life, escape the watchtower(r) and live prosperous lives.. i can't say i contribute much here anyway (and i'm not attention seeking).. i'm just going to get on with life away from the constant reminder of the mistakes i made being a jw zombie drone.. i guess i'm just going to fade.......rather quickly.. of course i didn't need to make any posts here to disappear but i thought it'd be polite and very british to bid you all a fond farewell.. see you all sometime.....maybe.....maybe not.....maybe....... bye!.
don't pm me as i won't be checking the pms.. .
UPDATE: on the pirate publisher that was selling my book...
by Newly Enlightened inback in may, i had a friend email me after the release of our jwstruggle video and tell me that the book i wrote and had published was all over the internet and some of you requested that i keep you up to date, so here goes.. i hired an attorney to write the publisher a letter.
they stopped selling hard copies and the digital copies of my book but have still not sent a full accounting of how many of my books they sold and reimbursed me and are now ignoring my phone calls and attorneys letters.
so the lawyer suggested that since it is difficult to sue internationally, i call the local office of the fbi.
Newly Enlightened
Back in May, I had a friend email me after the release of our JWStruggle video and tell me that the book I wrote and had published was all over the internet and some of you requested that I keep you up to date, so here goes.
I hired an attorney to write the publisher a letter. They stopped selling hard copies and the digital copies of my book but have still not sent a full accounting of how many of my books they sold and reimbursed me and are now ignoring my phone calls and attorneys letters. So the lawyer suggested that since it is difficult to sue internationally, I call the local office of the FBI. Yes, VERY scary. So it took me 2 weeks to get up the courage so I finally called them. Very nice agent. Took all the information and said they would assign an agent to my case and look into it. That warning at the beginning of a DVD? is real and they take it very seriously as copyright infringement. He then gave me the phone # for the Federal Trade Commission & the Federal Customs dept. So I filed complaints with all 3 agencies and they will look into it and told me to hang on to all the evidence I gathered because it is a FEDERAL offense to pirate a book and sell it, then when it is over the U.S borders into Canada, it then becomes a Federal CUSTOMS and Trade Commission fraud.
YIPPEE! I hope they go after them damn pirates!
The Book of Revelation and our Time
by Crazyguy ini know there are not many peterists out there but for the sake of argument all you bible believers, a question for you.
its looking more and more like the book of revelation was written for john's time and not ours.
the number mentioned 666 is more likely 616 for the emperor caligula who put a statue of himself in the temple at jerusalem, and the first verses in the book and the last chapter all say that these thing will happen quickly.
Newly Enlightened
I believe there are still some things in Revelation for us. Babylon the Great has not been destroyed by God yet. She hasn't become the 'Mother of all Harlots" until the mid 1800's when all thse little churches [Mormons, JW's, Adventists, etc] came into existence. Her 'daughters'. The coming of Christ has not happened yet.
i know that some will say it is all rubbish and Revelation was written by John on an 'acid' trip. But I do still believe in the bible and the next world will be a better place.
The Orwells are so naughty! Filthy little apostates we are.
by Julia Orwell inmy husband has started playing violent samurai video games again!
he's grown a beard!
he watched lord of the rings!.
Newly Enlightened
Great to hear Julia! It's amazing how much time we have and I can actually watch Big Bang Theory on Thurs nights now.
Former Longtime Elder : Contributions
by James Jackson infor a year now, i have been handling the accounts.
we have 6 elders and 7 ms, and none of them ( i am not serving), want to do the accounts, so they asked me to do it.
here is what i have noticed.. 4 elderly sisters cover the whole congregation in donations monthly!
Newly Enlightened
Interesting. I wonder if the child abuse court cases and settlements is what is affecting this? I know we stopped donating years ago when the PO/COBE used cong. funds to buy a new lawn tractor BEFORE he asked the cong.
See JW's, this is what we have all missed out on....
by Newly Enlightened inby not having dreams and goals outside of the watchtower box and encouraging our children to expand beyond the cult..
Newly Enlightened
by not having dreams and goals outside of the Watchtower box and encouraging our children to expand beyond the cult.
Catholic priest condemns & blasts Watchtower Society...
by Newly Enlightened inwith english subtitles.
i found this interesting that the catholics are blasting wtbt$ and demanding the wtbt$ recall their misquoted information from the reasoning book under subheading of 'cross':.
Newly Enlightened
I haven't seen it.
Need article about looking to the slave rather than Christ for salvation
by Bonnie_Clyde ini thought there was something recently.
clyde says he needs it soon to show a friend, and i don't know where to find it.
can i get it off ?
Newly Enlightened
Good job WTfree & DCMShirley!
by The Searcher inimho!!!.
just have a look at one or two of my very many favorites from the wt library.
Newly Enlightened
Going along with this subject, I found this gem that I find freakin' hilarious!!!
WT 2012 1/15 pg 31:
From Our Archives
Preserving Gems From Our Past
JEHOVAH’S people have a very rich spiritual heritage. The fascinating record of that heritage can be gleaned not only from publications but also from photographs, letters, personal accounts, and artifacts related to our worship, our preaching work, and our history. But of what benefit is it to preserve such material and delve into our past? Well, family heads in ancient Israel were to make known to their sons the laws and wonderful acts of Jehovah so that they might “set their confidence in God himself.”—Ps. 78:1-7.
Archival research has long played a role in the outworking of Jehovah’s purpose. When opposers tried to stop work on the temple in Jerusalem, for instance, an official search of records in the archives at the Median capital of Ecbatana brought to light a document issued by King Cyrus authorizing such construction. (Ezra 6:1-4, 12) Thus, the temple was rebuilt in harmony with God’s will. Archival sources were also used by the Gospel writer Luke, who “traced all things from the start with accuracy.”—Luke 1:1-4.
The Governing Body is keenly interested in our theocratic history. In commenting on the need to preserve, document, and pass on our spiritual heritage, one member of the Governing Body said, “To know where we are going, we have to know where we have come from.” To that end, Writing Archives was recently set up at world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, and is under the direction of the Writing Committee.
Who I really am, my story on YOUTUBE!
by Gojira_101 inthe death of a jw and the birth of me the apostate..
a huge thanks to my friend ray publisher (jwstruggle) for posting my video for me.
now that i am no longer held prisoner from the fear of watchtower, i can now help others!.
Newly Enlightened
Shyla's video has had over 2,000 views now and just wanted to bump it to the top so that all the 'newbies' can see it.